Newton High School
Class Of 1972


In coordination with the NHS Administration, the class of 72 has established an annual scholarship fund for Low Income, 1st Generation college bound students. All amounts accepted.

Who lives where - click links below to find out.
1 lives in Alaska
4 live in Arizona
19 live in California
4 live in Colorado
3 live in Connecticut
1 lives in District Of Columbia
14 live in Florida
4 live in Georgia
1 lives in Hawaii
2 live in Illinois
1 lives in Kentucky
9 live in Maine
12 live in Maryland
196 live in Massachusetts
3 live in Michigan
2 live in Minnesota
1 lives in Missouri
14 live in New Hampshire
4 live in New Jersey
13 live in New York
2 live in North Carolina
1 lives in Ohio
2 live in Oregon
3 live in Pennsylvania
1 lives in Rhode Island
2 live in South Carolina
2 live in Texas
1 lives in Utah
2 live in Vermont
2 live in Virginia
2 live in Washington
1 lives in British Columbia
1 lives in Prince Edward Island
1 lives in Australia
1 lives in Bouvet Island
1 lives in Germany
1 lives in Hong Kong
3 live in Israel
455 location unknown
Fellow Classmates from the class of 72, we hope you are doing well, as we are having another record setting hot summer !!!!
June 14th, 2024 Update.
Here we are coming up on 2 years since the 50th reunion. I hope everyone is doing well, getting plenty of sleep, eating right and getting in regular exercise.
I wanted to give you all a brief update regarding the scholarship fund we established last year. Working with the NHS Administration, the class of 72 has established an annual scholarship fund for 1st Generation college bound students.
We are pleased to announce that Clarissa Gonzalez is the recipient of this year‘s class scholarship. She will be attending Framingham State University in the fall.
Clarissa has done well academically, athletically, and is involved in school and community activities. She has the distinction of being the only female on the junior varsity football team.
She has worked hard to achieve her goals and her letter of recommendation describes her “…as multitalented, a designer, athlete, student leader, committed daughter, loyal friend, and community advocate.”
Clarissa wrote:
We wish Clarissa the very best!!
The Class of 1972 has planted this Maple Tree. We can report our tree is alive and growing.
Glad we got a watering bag to keep this tree alive in the heat
Yes, that’s our tree just about dead center
in front of the High School. It will grow!!
We got a very nice Plaque and yes,
its cemented in, or so I was told.
Actually, it may outlast the tree, Yikes!
And here is our tree champion Midge. We have to give her
credit for her steadfast efforts to get this tree planted,
and on school property. Originally the city wanted us to plant it
in an open space in Newtonville.
Well so much for the tree. Regarding donations for our annual scholarship. So far we've had several of you make a donation. We greatly appreciate your participation. I have left the scholarship donation link open for anyone still thinking of donating to help needs- based students make it into college.
Well as those Loonie Tune cartoons we all watched ended with, I will end with "Thats all Folks". At lease until I have new news to report.
May 6th Update
The Reunion Committee would like to thank all of you who have contributed to the annual scholarship fund !!!! We are off to a great start towards reaching our goal of $1000 for the 2024 award.
It’s not too late to contribute. Your contribution, no matter the amount, will be helping a “Need Based”, first generation college bound student to have the opportunity to attend college.
To contribute, go to our home page; https://www.newtonhigh1972.com/ and look for the “Class of 1972 Scholarship Find link in the upper right column.
Best Regards to all,
Your 50th Reunion Committee.
Update - March 2023
The reunion committee is still active and plans to keep the website open for at least five more years. Doing so allows classmates to keep in touch using the private message feature of the website. We can also keep the “In Memory” page updated as a reminder of those classmates who have passed.
We have also been discussing additional ways in which the class can be remembered going forward.
Currently we have decided to remember our classmates who served in the armed forces. Working with the VFW on Veterans Day we will have two United States flags displayed on a bridge in Newton. One will be “In Memory of” and one will be “In Honor of,” the latter being for those still among us. Our flags will be displayed among the many flown by the VFW on Veterans Day.
Next, we have been working with the High School Guidance Staff to identify low-income, first-generation college bound students, who could use some financial help. We have created a small scholarship fund in the name of the NHS Class of 72 and will be awarding the first scholarship this spring.
Finally, we have worked with the City of Newton’s Forestry department to plant a tree on the high school grounds. In front of that tree will be a small plaque which will read something to the effect of “Donated by the Class of 1972”. Still working out the final details but we are getting close.
Well, that wraps up our work so far. There have been some discussions around pulling together some small socials and as those plans take shape, we will make announcements well in advance.
I hope you are all looking forward to a great summer.
Best regards to all,
Your Reunion Committee
NHS 50th Reunion Photo Booth Photos !!
I've posted many of the photos from the Photo Booth as a Gallery. However, you can download the photos from the photo booth company for your use. Pleae note, if you would like to buy a printed copy directly from the photo booth vendor there is a "Buy" button on his site for your use.
This is the link: https://photoboothphotossmugmug.com/091722-needham
Click here to see Classmates who Attended the 50th Reunion
If you know of any classmates who have not registered on our website, please encourage them to sign up so they can get the latest updates on the upcoming reunion.
Don't forget to visit us on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/NewtonHighReunionClassOf1972
The Reunion Committee
Kathy Abboud (Johnson), Cathy Ard, Susan Burns, John Cetrone, Midge Gluck (Dell), Susan Howard, Pam Mowatt (Trombino), Mary Towbin (Potere), Betsi Wasserman (Irving), and Lynne Garafalo
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